“The Three Amigos” love to play tag, explore on the farm, and jump on the trampoline. They march around under the direction of the oldest, Jaycee, chanting “We are the three amigos” over and over. Jaycee, Lincoln, and Truman (TJ) are best friends and they’re not afraid to admit it. The Three Amigos’ parents, Whitney and Evan, absolutely love that their kids are best friends. It’s been a goal of theirs from early on and a deciding factor when moving from a neighborhood to a farm.

Whitney and Evan told The Three Amigos that their Uncle Der-Der was heading over to take pictures and video. We gathered footage of the kids marching, playing tag, wrestling, and a short interview asking what’s its like being best friends with your siblings. We then moved to family pictures where aunt Bekah was snapping photos while I filmed.
About halfway through the family pictures, Evan started his heart-to-heart speech with the kids. He said, “I need you guys to listen, I have something very important to tell you. Ok, so there’s this one club with three kids in it… But I can’t remember what the name of it is.” “Its call the Three Amigos Club” shouts Lincoln. “And it has Jayce, Lincoln, and TJ. You Know what me and mommy love? We love how you are best friends in you club. But… me and mommy have been thinking that it feels like there is something missing in your club, So we wanted to make the three amigos into the four-three amigos.” Without a skip of a beat – Jaycee puts the pieces together and asks, ”We’re having a baby!?” “Where going to have a baby!” yells Evan. Lincoln still trying to figure everything out questions what’s going on. Whitney pulls out the ultrasound pictures where Evan explains that the baby is in mom’s tummy. Lincoln looks back and forth between the ultrasound and Whitney’s stomach. Jaycee gets up and gives Whitney a hug and is then followed by the boys.
You never know how kids will react to big news but The Three Amigos were so excited and are happy to expand to The Three Amigos + One. Their enthusiasm was genuine and so much fun to capture with photos and video. Check out the cinematic film of their big announcement.

You never know how kids will react to big news but The Three Amigos were so excited and are happy to expand to The Three Amigos + One. Their enthusiasm was genuine and so much fun to capture with photos and video. Check out the cinematic film of their big announcement!
You captured The Three Amigos + One perfectly! What a treasured video that will bring joy to the family over and over!