Simple video interviews are a fantastic way to decrease your website’s bounce rate by an average of 34%! A webpage with a phenomenal photos and a well-constructed description of a product or service is irreplaceable. You took the time to strategically convey your message in text – a majority of the battle – why not put that information in a simple, easy to watch, video interview?
I prefer doing business with people I trust (Revolutionary thought – I know). Video interviews that are embedded on your webpages are a simple way potential clients can see who they’re doing business with. It starts building that trust right away!
The video interviews could be as simple as recording yourself with your phone to a professional setup with a high end camera, lighting, audio, and backdrop scene. Tai Lopez’s effective marketing strategy was to build trust by producing a personable phone interview. However, maybe the shaky phone interview style isn’t your brand and you want your interviews to look professional (and you don’t want to become a living meme).

Is it worth it for your company to invest in the camera equipment? This depends on the amount of interviews you’re hoping to produce and how often. Also, do you have someone that can setup the lighting, camera, audio and edit all the content?
We filmed and edited simple video interviews for Team insurance. Their goal is to have interviews on a majority of their webpages to reduce their bounce rate, summarize the information on the page, answer commonly asked questions, gain useful analytics, and build trust. The two days dedicated to filming took place at their location. No hired outside talent was needed as their staff was confident in the information they were sharing. The employees rotated throughout the day to maximize efficiency of the filming days without interrupting the normal workday.
Every company, large or small, needs videos. We love producing cinematic commercials – and there’s definitely a need for that type of production. Simple video interviews are a minimal effort way to get started. Archer Video would be more than happy to assist you with the messaging, filming, and editing side! Contact us today if you’d like assistance with your video marketing.