I’ve been filming and editing high school football hype videos since 2015. The first few seasons’ hype videos were with the bleacher business, Hanson Sports. The concept of the hype videos was to show the bleachers in use under the Friday night lights. The first few football programs I created hype videos for were past bleacher clients, but requests started coming in from random programs that wanted their team highlighted. I soon became known as “The Hype Guy” to local schools, morphing hype videos from a bleacher marketing strategy into a separate venture. I left Hanson Sports in 2018 to create a video production business of my own.

The football hype videos combines two things I’m extremely passionate about – football and videography. I played football growing up in Missouri and continued playing at Southern Virginia University (SVU). My filming background started my freshman year in college filming short (very cringey) videos of my friends’ shenanigans living the dorm life. (Example: https://youtu.be/fkPfYyxKA4c). I stopped playing football after my sophomore season due to an unhealthy amount of concussions.
SVU did not offer any video production courses, so I decided to transfer back home to Missouri State University which offered a Digital Video Production degree. The courses were not what I expected and seemed to be more political indoctrination rather than a film school. I co-enrolled in YouTube University where I’d watch film tutorials all night. I aspired to produce films like Devinsupertramp.
The cringey dorm videos, media theory courses, YouTube tutorials, and marketing for a bleacher company lead me to where I’m at today. The football hype videos aren’t as financially profitable for my business compared to the corporate video side but I absolutely love producing them. I get to experience a different program every week. There is no better way to experience a community’s traditions and tell their story than through the camera lens on a fall Friday night. You can catch me on the sideline of some mid-western high school football team running around with my camera.
Check out the football hype videos here: